- 60-second Video (shown prior to selected films)
- Public recognition (at all live events)
- Film Sponsorship
- Full-page program Ad (Back Cover or Inside Front Cover)
- Website and Social Media brand recognition
- Acknowledgments in Selected eblasts
- 2 Tickets to the Sponsors-Only Reception.
- 30-second Video (shown prior to selected films)
- Public recognition (at all live events)
- Film Sponsorship
- Full-page program Ad
- Website and Social Media brand recognition
- Acknowledgments in Selected eblasts
- 2 Tickets to the Sponsors-Only Reception.
- Public recognition (at all live events)
- Film Sponsorship
- Half-page program Ad
- Website and Social Media brand recognition
- Acknowledgments in Selected eblasts
- 2 Tickets to the Sponsors-Only Reception.
- Quarter-page program Ad
- Website and Social Media brand recognition
- Acknowledgments in Selected eblasts
- 2 Tickets to the Sponsors-Only Reception.
- Eighth-page program Ad
- Website and Social Media brand recognition
- Acknowledgments in Selected eblasts
- 2 Tickets to the Sponsors-Only Reception.
For more information about business sponsorships or to pay by check, please contact Jessica Birch; jbirch@jewishsac.org.
Ad Specifications
Deadline for digital logos and advertisements: January 8, 2025
All ads submitted must be camera-ready. Advertisements must be submitted as digital files. Please e-mail to Circle Design (missy@circledesign.net).
The maximum e-mail file size is 10 MB. For camera-ready digital files, we will only accept PDF, EPS, TIFF, or JPEG.
We cannot accept MICROSOFT (Word, Publisher, etc.) file formats for camera-ready advertisements.
Camera-ready color advertisements must be CMYK.
Camera-ready advertisements must have crop marks (keylines will be added).
All digital images must be at 100%, at least 300 dpi, and all links embedded.
All fonts used in camera-ready advertisements must be embedded or converted to outlines.
We assume no responsibility for the quality/accuracy of digital files that do not comply with these specifications.