Inspirational films that tell the Jewish story for audiences everywhere

Watching the Free Testing Film

Starting February 1, we are providing a free testing film to our users.

Because it’s been almost a year since most users have used our streaming portal, we are giving you time to test it out and make sure that it is working for you before the streaming portion of this year’s Festival begins on February 24th.

We have enabled GeoBlocking for viewing in the State of California only, similar to how most of our Streaming Films will be location limited. It should be viewable anywhere within California.

There are several ways to View this Test Film.


If you are a Individual Festival Sponsor or have already bought a Full Festival Pass or a Full Streaming Pass, the process is very easy to confirm that your Pass is set up on your account properly.

  1. Click on the Watch Films Button at the top of all our web pages. This will take you to the Elevent Viewing Portal.
  2. Sign into your account with your Username and Password. (If you are new to the SJFF, use the Username and Password you created when you made your donation.) 
  3. You should see the short film “The Importance of HAPPINESS”
  4. Click on the PLAY icon to start the film.


If you are only planning on purchasing and viewing Individual films, the process for testing this portal is slightly different.

If you don’t yet have a SJFF/Elevent Account, click on the Sign in button on the upper right of our web page and enter your email address to begins setting up an account. Follow the Instructions then Return to this page. 

If you already have a SJFF/ELEVENT Account, purchase a FREE ticket for the sample film by following these steps: 

  1. Go to the Importance of HAPPINESS film page HERE 
  2. Click on the + counter twice, then ADD TO CART to add 2 free Tickets for this film to your cart.
  3. Click on Continue to Checkout then skip or next.
  4. Sign into your account if needed.
  5. Finish the free purchase and exit.
  6. Check your E-Mail for a Confirmation letter from us. It contains the 2 voucher codes for the film.
    • In the Email you can either click on the blue button to take you to the film portal, or…
    • Alternately you can highlight and copy the Voucher # then,
    • Return to the SJFF Website and click on the Watch Films Button at the top of all our web pages.
  7. Paste the Voucher code onto the Ticketholders Voucher field on the left side of the page.
  8. Click SUBMIT and the film should start.

Here are all of the ways to view our Virtual/Streaming films.

Watch on a Computer, Tablet, or Phone.

  • On a Computer (desktop or laptop, Windows or Apple), or on a Tablet or Phone (iOS and Android), follow the instructions above.


Watch on a Television with a computer or a streaming device.

You can watch on your television by streaming from your computer, tablet, or phone:

You can read instructions for these other ways of watching on your television in our FAQs:

  • Connecting your computer to a TV with a HDMI Cable
  • Using a smart TV Browser App (Safari or Amazon Silk)
  • Using a SMART TV App
  • Using a TV with one of these External Streaming Devices:
    1. Roku*
    2. Apple TV
    3. Amazon Fire Stick
* the Roku Device is the only option if you are a new Customer this year. 
If you are in need of a new or different External Streaming Device, we have a # of ROKU Express Devices you can purchase. Just contact us Via the Help Desk. (Click the yellow Help Button at the top of the page.) The cost is approx. $22 plus shipping. (Free Phone Support for Sponsors @ $500+ Levels)