Inspirational films that tell the Jewish story for audiences everywhere

2023 Film Festival Sponsor ($6,000)

Be the first

BUSINESS Executive Producer ($3,600)

Be the first

BUSINESS Director ($2,500)

Capital Public Radio

BUSINESS Cinematographer ($1,000)

BUSINESS Actor ($540)

Roza & Kirsch Realtor Group



Temple Or Rishon


BUSINESS Supporter($360)

Arareity Jewelers & Art Glass Gallery


FRANKEL & FISCH Family Historians



Gilbert CPAs


Mosaic Law Congregation



Newman Associates, CPA


Support from Other Sponsors


Congregation Bet Haverim



Congregation Beth Shalom



Hillel of Davis & Sacramento



Shalom School


In-Kind Sponsors

AVCOM AV, IT, & Web Proj. Mgmt. (Dan Albert)

Ryan Behrmann

Capital Graphics

Circle Design (Missy Anapolsky)

Crocker Art Museum

David Benjamin: Database Design

Hoerl Design (Tim Hoerl)

Nela Lee

Sacramento French Film Festival

Sacramento Italian Cultural Society

Stevens Consulting (Craig Stevens)